
Carlisle Giving was created to promote community stewardship, corporate citizenship, and volunteerism. We believe that Carlisle Companies has a responsibility to give back to the society that supports us and to make a positive difference in the world. Carlisle Companies Inc. is based on The Four Pillars: Civility, Health, Education, and Veterans. These pillars represent the values and causes that benefit the communities in which we operate. Carlisle Giving organizes and participates in various activities and events that align with these pillars, such as donating to charities, supporting education opportunities, honoring veterans, and promoting wellness. We invite you to join the conversation and together, we can make Carlisle Giving a force for good!


Community Stewardship PD

Across Carlisle Construction Materials, employees put their various talents and passions to work in the form of community service. In doing so, they reflect CCM’s values and foster stronger community relationships. The Community Stewardship PD was formed in late 2022 to deliver a playbook to the organization, helping us capitalize on the wonderful efforts of so many of our colleagues and providing governance into the future.

The PD assembled a unique mix of perspectives across CCM, blending remote, office, and production, across states and product lines.  To begin, the team leveraged content from a previous Kaizen on charitable outreach in addition to key learnings from other efforts throughout the years. Through careful consideration and research, they successfully implemented the Volunteer Time Off policy and the Carlisle Charitable Committee.  These are hugely important to the company’s charitable footprint, and reflect the resolve of our PD members, all of whom remain dedicated to their company and communities, even at the conclusion of the team’s function.

We now pass the responsibility along to seven highly dedicated members of the CCM organization, individuals hand-selected and vetted by the Senior Leadership team.  We are confident this will help create a force multiplier effect, building on CCM’s great work while expanding our reach through our best resource: our people!

~ Andrew Razanauskas
(PD Lead)

Mission Statement

Our mission is to use Carlisle Companies’ resources to promote sustainable development, social equity, and environmental stewardship by engaging with community leaders, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders in the many communities we operate in. We work collaboratively to create positive social and environmental impacts while contributing to our company's long-term success.

Carlisle Charitable Committee

The purpose of the Carlisle Charitable Committee is to consolidate and optimize the organization’s community stewardship efforts, providing support in charitable events, donations, and overall budget considerations. The Committee’s work should reflect a people-oriented purpose, which mutually benefits Carlisle Companies, its employees, and its communities.

Community Stewardship

Carlisle Companies’ community stewardship initiative is guided by The Four Pillars: Civility, Health, Education, and Veterans. Our mission is to leverage Carlisle Companies’ resources to promote sustainable development, social equity, and environmental stewardship by engaging with community leaders, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders in the many communities we operate in. We work collaboratively to create positive social and environmental impacts while contributing to our company's long-term success.

Committee Responsibilities

Provide governance for the entire Community Stewardship process throughout the organization.

Set an annual budget; align budget with the company’s social responsibility goals and stakeholders and communicate the budget to the organization.

Review all donation requests that fit into the Delegation of Authority process. Arbitrate the donation process, and issue responses to all requests, whether accepted, modified, or rejected.

Maintain a list of all approved charities and partner organizations; vet new charities according to The Four Pillars and company mission statement.

Facilitate scheduling of charitable events, drives, and initiatives; manage a calendar to ensure activities do not conflict.

Promote charitable efforts and publicize initiatives and causes across the organization; help foster a charitable spirit among Carlisle Companies’ employees.

Advise sponsors and organizers of charitable events and campaigns across the organization.

Attend charitable events, participate in drives and initiatives.

Seek new, high-impact service and donation opportunities.

Establish and regularly review policies, continually reviewing and revising the playbook when needed.

Track metrics on Carlisle Companies giving, service hours, and community engagement. Report, internally and externally, as appropriate.