Meet the Team


Amanda Starner


I've been with CCM for 5 years now, first as a member of the specialty projects team and now as a member of the product marketing team. My husband Jake and I have been married since 2015, and we have a 2 (almost 3) year old son, Bryce as well as a rescue dog, cat, and rabbit. I am local to the Carlisle area, I graduated from Big Spring High School and Messiah University. I also obtained my MBA while working for CCM online through the University of North Alabama.

I was honored to be asked to be part of the community stewardship PD project in 2023. The PD project team accomplished quite a bit, but there is still more work to complete that I would like to see through to completion. Because I was part of the PD project, I can help provide insight and support to the committee as a representative of the group that developed many of the policies and procedures the committee will be executing. As a life-long Cumberland County resident, I am connected to this community and am honored that I can help CCM demonstrate its commitment to our community.

I have always been involved in various community stewardship activities. I can remember gleaning for Project Share with my parents when I was in elementary school. In middle school and high school, I had a few opportunities to travel with a group from church to various economically depressed areas and serve in those communities. Every year in college, we would host the area Special Olympics and I would volunteer as a buddy for the athletes. After college, I've continued to be involved in various fundraisers and volunteer opportunities in the Carlisle area. I'm thankful for the community stewardship opportunities I've been able to participate in through my employment with CCM such as United Way Day of Caring and Junior Achievement!

I am looking forward to helping sites outside of Carlisle, PA make an impact in their communities and working on promoting their efforts both internally and externally.

I feel like I have been so blessed with my job, my education, my family, and my health that I want to support others who may not be as fortunate. I also have a young son and I want to make sure that he has a great community to be a part of while growing up.

 Small things can have great impact! Volunteering a few hours of your time or organizing a fundraiser or collection are relatively easy tasks that can make a big impact for those who need it.


Brian McLaughlin


I am a 15-year veteran at Drexel Metals. I have been involved in many aspects of the company and have seen its growth from a small family-owned business to an industry leader. In my personal time, I enjoy traveling with my wife and two daughters and experiencing the culture of wherever we visit. We still have plenty of locations on our bucket list

I was motivated to join the community stewardship committee when I learned that Carlisle was taking a structured approach to giving back to the community. I knew I could offer value to this committee based on my past work leading policy deployment teams.

My passion for giving back to the community was ignited when my daughter was injured and received exceptional care at Shriners Hospital, which is funded entirely by donations. I have been donating to Shriners ever since.

Through my work on the committee, I hope to offer guidance and leadership to my fellow committee members and make an impact towards awareness, creation, and being stewards towards the charitable initiatives that Carlisle has now and in the future.

I am inspired to give back by my mother, who taught me to take care of others less fortunate and that it would lead to a rewarding life. This has been a guiding principle that I have tried to live by.

My advice to others who want to contribute to their communities is to align community volunteer opportunities with your own passions and take advantage of Carlisle's Volunteer Time Off (VTO) policy.


Bridget Wicklander


I have over 30 years of experience as an Administrative Assistant, with 3 years of experience as a HR Admin. During my time at Carlisle, I chaired the Culture Committee for 2 years at the Tooele Polyiso plant. Outside of work, I am a Meditation/Mindfulness Instructor, a Certified Learning to Breath teacher, and certified as a Reiki II practitioner.

I was motivated to join the community stewardship committee because I believe that in helping others we can make a difference, even if it is just one person’s life that we are able to affect positively. Kindness to others seems to be a dying trait and I would like to help those around me experience kindness through charity work. Being nominated was an honor and I wanted to represent the Tooele, Utah plants.

My passion for giving back to the community was ignited when I worked at an Elementary School several years ago that had an amazing Service-Learning program. The program was one of their main core values that they taught the students, and it had a huge impact on me. Every year the entire school would participate in “Fall Leaf Haul” and help the neighborhood around the school by raking up leaves and cleaning up the neighbor's front yards. Most neighbors were elderly and couldn’t manage such a chore, but it was also a way to give back to the neighbors who helped support our school from not being torn down but rebuilt.

Through my work on the committee, I hope to show my colleagues that volunteering is just as important to our community as monetary donations are. So many non-profits ever have enough volunteers to do the work needed and could use all the help they can.

I am inspired to give back by my dad, who was the type of guy who always said “yes” when others asked for help, and he would never hesitate to help anyone. He was a great example to our family and my inspiration for finding ways to give back.

My advice to others who want to contribute to their communities is to start with offering help to your neighbors or contact your local food pantry if you do not know where to start or what your passion is.


Ann Bonney


​I served in the US Army stationed in Germany, where I held roles in logistics and quality management. In 2015, I joined CCM and spent most of my time leading CCM's customer service teams. Now, I am in a developmental role as a Versico Regional Sales Manager, where I can connect deeply with this aspect of our business and spend time in the field with customers.

Helping others brings purpose and fulfillment to my life. So many people have helped me, and I want to pay it forward. That is what motivated me to join the community stewardship committee.

I have volunteered for The Alaska Project of The 98 Fund for several years, helping to build a retreat for veterans and families of the fallen to spend healing time together. I am proud to say that CCM donated metal roofing for the cabins, central kitchen and bath house, and pavilion - and that I helped build these with my own hands. In 2023, I spent some time at one of the survivor retreats at The Alaska Project with the son of my high school best friend, who was killed in Kuwait when his son was just an infant. To see his son in Alaska connecting with others who have shared similar losses and being part of a supportive military community was an experience beyond words for me.

Through my work on the committee, I hope to help connect our team with all of the wonderful benefits of volunteering - both for the volunteer and the supported organization. Our committee can do some of the groundwork to help find great organizations that align with our values, authorize donations, and line up great volunteer opportunities.

I am inspired by the rest of the Charitable Committee. It is full of CCM employees who care deeply about giving to others and making the world a better place.

My advice to others who want to contribute to their communities is to just do it! Sometimes it's hard to put yourself out there with a new group of people or do unfamiliar tasks, and those can be part of starting to volunteer - but it's so worth it.


Brandon McDonald


I have been with Carlisle for 10 years. I am currently the operations manager at Drexel Metals in Tampa, FL. In my free time, I am pursuing my MBA at LSU and I enjoy BBQing.

Growing up, my family relied on social programs for support with housing and food assistance. I have always wanted to give back to the community that has given me so much support. I hope to make a difference in the lives of others just as the community did for mine.

The moment that truly ignited my passion for giving back to the community was witnessing the transformation of my neighbor's life through the selection for Habitat for Humanity program.

Through my work on the committee, I hope to provide programs that not only meet basic needs but also empower individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency and improved quality of life.

I am inspired to give back by my personal experience on the receiving end of community support and seeing the positive impact on our life that it had.

My advice to others who want to contribute to their communities is to take action! Start small, the impacts of your actions, big or small, create ripples that reach far beyond the immediate beneficiaries.


Alexander Markwell 
